Stephen R Nayler

You waken from your slumber as you rub your sleepy eyes
Sun streames in through the window as bluebirds fill the sky
One lands upon your sholder with a twinkle in his eyes
Then wispers in your ear Today youll have a great surprise.
Today you go to Grandmas where you dance and play and sing
You frolick in the garden wondering what this day will bring
You pick the nodding daisies then weave them through your hair
you wander down the pathways searching here and there
Remembering how the easter bunny hid his eggs so well
You search amongst the shrubs and ferns, through every shady dell
You look amongst the concreat gnoms and elves and frogs and things
You even look under the ornamental fairys wings
The afternoon drags on and on, the sun begins to wane
You soon will have to go inside but still you search in vain
You wonder if this great surprise the bluebird told you bout
Is really real or just a trick to make you run about
The bluebird suddenly appears and says to follow him
He flys into the garden deep to where the light is dim
The ferns are thick in this damp place, the sun cant reach the ground
You suddenly stop and listen as you hear the strangest sound
You get down on your hands and knees then slowly sneak ahead
To where the sound is coming from , fern fronds you slowly spread
Suddenly you see the glow of bluebell lanterns in a ring
In the center of the circle the Queen of fairies sits and sings.

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